Thursday, October 7, 2010

There is a chain of restaurants in the South named Atlanta Bread Company. It was the Panera before Panera but more quaint, less marketed. It had fireplaces, classical music, and tomato fennel soup. I remember gloomy fall days, shopping with mom, and stopping for a bowl of soup next to the fireplace.

Fast forward many years and countless trials of tomato soup and I stumble upon the best tomato soup at Bin 26. I asked to speak to the chef and expected the soup nazi to appear. He told me exactly what to do. He is my soup hero.

1)Always use San Marzano whole tomatoes. Only. Nothing else will do.
2)Always make a mirepoix (chopped carrots, onions, celery sauteed in olive oil)
3)Cook for a long time
4)Use a blender

Needless to say, I melded my two favorite soups into one. I add chopped fennel to the mirepoix, add a 28 oz. can of San Marzano tomatoes, 1/2 can of water, salt, pepper, and let simmer for an hour or two. Then, let the blender do the work. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top.

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