Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thanksgiving Soup

On our walk back from dinner last night, the first scent of fireplace pierced through the chill in the air. The leaves, the pumpkins, the chill, nothing says autumn like fireplace.

The beloved fireplace have not thee. I take refuge in thy oven. This soup tastes like Thanksgiving smells. And get this: it's gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, all things American, local, and approved by MEN. That last one is really hard to do.
Actually, it was only approved by one man, but he has the most discerning tastebuds on the planet, so, it's like being approved by a multitude of men.

Thanksgiving Soup
Serves 4 for dinner, 8 for appetizer
Freezes very well

8 cups of butternut squash, cut into large chunks (I buy pre-peeled squash. It's much easier and organic - 8 cups is 2 packages of pre-cut)
1 head of cauliflower, cut into medium chunks
1 lb carrots, peeled, cut into thirds (I had three large carrots)
1 large sweet onion, peeled and cut into quarters
1/4 cup olive oil
kosher salt and ground pepper
2 32 oz. containers of Vegetable Broth (if you can find it, I used Imagine Organic No-Chicken Broth-- tastes very similar to chicken broth)
1 tbsp. garam masala
**pumpkin or squash seeds**

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cover large baking pan with foil, add vegetables, drizzle with oil, salt, pepper. With your very clean hands, toss vegetables until fully coated. Cover tightly with foil. Roast for 15 minutes (this is similar to parboiling the vegetables-- it almost steams them but allows for robust roasting). Discard top layer of foil. Roast for another 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, add 2 containers of broth to large soup pot. Bring to boil, then simmer.
When vegetables are roasted. Add to broth, add garam masala, and simmer for 30 minutes. Slightly cool.

In increments, add soup to blender and blend on high. My immersion blender did not do it justice unless you want a chunky soup.
**You may serve with roasted pumpkin or squash seeds if you have available


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